Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Image of God

NLT Genesis 1: 27

So God created human beings in his own image...

Why is this ponderable?

Ever wondered how God created us in his image? Thanks to a branch of physics called quantum mechanics (QM) we are closer to finding out. 
QM tells us that atoms and subatomic particles are not solid objects. They do not exist in a specific time and place. We only "see" them  when we are looking for them. The physicist and the method used to observe them are linked. This implies that the consciousness of the observer plays some role in the existence of what is being observed.  So how we think about things may determine how they become real. 
The results of recent QM experiments support this interpretation.  The world as we know it may not be fixed in concrete.  It may be more like Silly Putty that is shaped by our consciousness using the powers God gave us. 
 Scientific methods based on "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" have increased our understanding of the material world. This understanding enabled us to improve every aspect of our existence in the material world. Yet, this dominance of materialism limited our ability to understand the mental and spiritual side of ourselves. What could not be seen, touched, or heard simply did not exist.  The subjective dimension of human experience was blindsided. For centuries we struggled with this distorted and impoverished understanding of ourselves and our place in nature. 
The Bible does not say that God created nature in His image. That may be why, after thousands of years of searching, human beings have not been able to find God there. In a way of speaking, nature is our creation. By seeking God in nature, all we have been able to find is ourselves. By pondering the image of God in ourselves, we may find more than we ever dreamed possible.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla