Wednesday, June 21, 2017

My Hair Has Never Been Cut

NLT Judges 16: 17

Finally, Samson shared his secret with her. “My hair has never been cut,” he confessed, “for I was dedicated to God as a Nazirite from birth. If my head were shaved, my strength would leave me, and I would become as weak as anyone else.”

Why is this ponderable?

The story of Sampson and Delilah holds an encoded truth.  Delilah learns that Sampson could be constrained and defeated simply by cutting his hair. Many Bible scholars took this as spiritual allegory but recent scientific research has revealed otherwise.

During the Vietnam War, special forces in the war department sent undercover experts to comb American Indian Reservations looking for talented scouts. They sought out young men with outstanding, almost supernatural, tracking abilities.  Recruiters reasoned that these  young men could be trained to move stealthily through the  rough terrain of Vietnam.

Once identified, the Indian trackers were enlisted and processed according to military protocol. They were given uniforms and a proper military haircut. But for some unknown reason, the talents and skills they had possessed on the reservation seemed to mysteriously disappear, as recruit after recruit failed to perform as expected in the field.

Serious causalities and failures of performance led the government to conduct a review of these recruits to ensure no skill certification mistakes had been made in the recruiting process.

When debriefed about their failure to perform as expected, the recruits consistently blamed their military haircuts. Once the long locks were sheered,  they claimed,  they could no longer ‘sense’ the enemy, they could no longer access a ‘sixth sense’, their ‘intuition’ no longer was reliable, they couldn’t ‘read’ subtle signs as well or access subtle extrasensory information. This seemed far-fetched but, with no other explanation for the unexpected skill loss, the government opted to perform more testing.

More Indian trackers were recruited. This time the military haircut rule was waived. Half of the recruits were allowed to keep their long hair; the other half would get the standard military cut. They would pair two men together who had received the same scores on the preliminary tests; one was allowed to keep his long hair, the other was given a military haircut. Then they repeated the tests.
Time after time the man with long hair kept making high scores; the man with the short hair failed the tests in which he had previously scored high.

Based on these results all Indian trackers were exempt from military haircuts. In fact, they were required to keep their hair long for the duration of their service.

Not only does hair in people, including facial hair in men, provide an information highway reaching the brain, hair also emits energy, the electromagnetic energy emitted by the brain into the outer environment. When hair is cut, receiving and sending transmissions to and from the environment are greatly hampered. This results in numbing-out.

So the story of Samson's bad hair day may have been much more than spiritual allegory. It may have been God's way of teaching us that every part of the human body is embedded in the fabric of the Universe.


Sunday, July 24, 2016

Strengthen My Spirit

NABRE Psalm 138:3

 On the day I cried out, you answered; you strengthened my spirit.

Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash 

Why is this ponderable?

We think of our spirit as being immune to the physical forces that attack our body. Our body can be killed but our spirit will live on. If that is the case, then there are no degrees of strength by which the spirit can be measured. The spirit cannot be diminished or enhanced. So what is David saying here?

Sometimes when our physical powers are diminished and our enemy is winning, God unleashes the spiritual strength in our souls instead of giving the physical help we desire. Yet this answer to our prayers is both Just and Merciful. It is what enabled the martyrs to endure death without fear.  It is the Spirit of God, enabling us to take up our cross without fainting or backsliding. And it cannot be broken by Satan or any evil force.

Paul explains this well in his second letter to the Corintians 12:8-9 He asks God to remove a physical problem but God replies, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” That power is the source of all our spiritual strength and it cannot be diminished by any physical problem.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Sing Before the Gods

NLT Psalm 138

I will sing your praises before the gods.


Why is this ponderable?

Today we ponder what David means when he sings praises before the gods. To whom or what is he referring when he makes this exclamation? We know he is singing this Psalm to the Lord on high. We may not have known that this praise of the Lord is not only an expression of  deep devotion but also bears witness to the impotence of idols.

David stands face to face with the Princes of the heathen world. Each believed they had  the patronage and protection of powerful gods that stood above the gods of their neighbors including the Hebrew god. This view does not shake David's unswerving fidelity to Jehovah. He uses this position to symbolically state, "in your face you misguided Princes serving idols; Jehovah is above all other gods and He protects us."

David is not suggesting that these gods really existed; he speaks of them only as figments in the minds of their worshipers.  By exclaiming his thankfulness to Jehovah in the presence of these idol worshipers he affirms his trust in the one true God. In this way he assures his people that they have nothing to fear from hostile nations. At the same time he chides those Princes that place trust in gods having no real power to protect or sustain their kingdoms.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

The Image of God

NLT Genesis 1: 27

So God created human beings in his own image...

Why is this ponderable?

Ever wondered how God created us in his image? Thanks to a branch of physics called quantum mechanics (QM) we are closer to finding out. 
QM tells us that atoms and subatomic particles are not solid objects. They do not exist in a specific time and place. We only "see" them  when we are looking for them. The physicist and the method used to observe them are linked. This implies that the consciousness of the observer plays some role in the existence of what is being observed.  So how we think about things may determine how they become real. 
The results of recent QM experiments support this interpretation.  The world as we know it may not be fixed in concrete.  It may be more like Silly Putty that is shaped by our consciousness using the powers God gave us. 
 Scientific methods based on "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" have increased our understanding of the material world. This understanding enabled us to improve every aspect of our existence in the material world. Yet, this dominance of materialism limited our ability to understand the mental and spiritual side of ourselves. What could not be seen, touched, or heard simply did not exist.  The subjective dimension of human experience was blindsided. For centuries we struggled with this distorted and impoverished understanding of ourselves and our place in nature. 
The Bible does not say that God created nature in His image. That may be why, after thousands of years of searching, human beings have not been able to find God there. In a way of speaking, nature is our creation. By seeking God in nature, all we have been able to find is ourselves. By pondering the image of God in ourselves, we may find more than we ever dreamed possible.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” – Nikola Tesla

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Full of Old Dry Bones

TLB Ezekiel 37: 1-3

1-2 The power of the Lord was upon me and I was carried away by the Spirit of the Lord to a valley full of old, dry bones that were scattered everywhere across the ground. He led me around among them, and then he said to me:
“Son of dust, can these bones become people again?”
I replied, “Lord, you alone know the answer to that.”

Why is this ponderable?

Imagine walking along a mountainside trail through a thick forest.  You see a bright opening ahead foretelling a stretch of open pasture. As you approach the field, you expect green grass, an easy walking trail and maybe a stream of cool water. Instead you find a long runway strewn with piles of old dry bones. As you get closer disbelief turns to horror as you realize these are human bones. Some are still attached to skeletons; others are just strewn about in reckless order.

That horror is what Ezekiel must have felt when the Spirit of the Lord let him see this vision. That fear and horror gave God the platform needed to test Ezekiel by asking him, "Son of dust, can these bones become people again?" 

Because Ezekiel was a seasoned Prophet he knew better than to give a foolish answer. He deferred the question back to God, "Lord, you alone know the answer to that."

We would like to think this is just another Bible story with no relevance to the world we live in today. But lets look around us at the twisted broken lives resulting from violence, drug addiction, alcoholism, and religious extremism. Are they much more than old dry bones still covered by rotting flesh?   Can we restore them to abundant life again? 

Our answer must be the same one Ezekiel gave. The old dry bones cannot be restored by our own power. Powerful Governments have tried and failed. We must defer to God, who alone can turn dry old bones to living people again.

Friday, May 6, 2016

In Spirit and In Truth

NLT John 4:23

But the time is coming—indeed it’s here now—when true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. The Father is looking for those who will worship him that way.

Why is this ponderable?

How do we worship God in spirit and in truth? To understand this we must first accept the idea that the Temple in Jerusalem was merely the groundbreaking ceremony for the actual place from which God wants us to worship. That place is our own heart and soul. In the New Covenant, the worship of God cannot be appropriated to any physical place, as it was under the Law of Moses, but must originate in our unique body and soul. If the Truth in us exudes the love of God above any person, place or thing, that is the spiritual foundation we need to worship God in spirit. Tradition and culture may dictate gathering with others in a Church building, but that is not what God expects of us. 


Unfortunately, there may be more Atheists sitting in church pews than are out walking the streets on Sundays. If the truth is that we really don't put God above everything every day of our lives, then the spirit has no foothold in our being.  Without the spirit and the truth in us, we may merely be giving lip service to God. 

Saturday, February 27, 2016


NLT Exodus 22-25

If you lend money to any of my people who are in need, do not charge interest as a money lender would.

 NLT Deuteronomy 23:20

You may charge interest to foreigners, but you may not charge interest to Israelites, so that the Lord your God may bless you in everything you do in the land you are about to enter and occupy.

Photo by Ehud Neuhaus on Unsplash 

Why is this ponderable?

Lending money and charging interest was a financial transaction long before the Exodus. What is ponderable here is that Moses forbade charging interest to his people in need. That must have seemed as counter intuitive to the people of that time as it would be for us today. Why put your own wealth at risk by lending it to someone who had already lost theirs?

Part of that answer is contained in the phrase, "to any of my people." Although Moses did not proscribe charging interest to those outside the Jewish community, there were no outsiders needing loans during the 40 years it took to reach the Promised Land.  These interest-free loans were actually the earliest form of insurance. As they traversed the dessert there were many ways a family could fall into need through no fault of their own. Livestock might be attacked and eaten by prey, wagons and carts might break apart, or illness might strike. Even though these interest free loans were expected to be repaid, there were no terms spelled out in Exodus. Therefore, we can assume these loans would be repaid whenever the recipient was able to do so or they were forgiven by the lender.

Once the Jewish community entered the Promised Land, there were many foreigners needing loans. They were more than willing to pay interest. So it was time to define the rules for doing so. Deuteronomy 23:20 reaffirms the no interest rule but opens the door to lending for gain in transactions with foreigners. 

This business practice came into prominence in the Middle Ages when the Christian Church emulated it. Christian bankers were not allowed to charge interest to fellow Christians. That was considered usury. However, they were allowed to charge interest to non-Christians. At that time most non-Christians were Jews. So Christian bankers could profit by lending money to Jews and Jewish bankers could profit by lending money to Christians without violating the usury laws of their respective religions.